


富士山健康開運温泉 猫と犬の宿ペンションブルーポピー クチコミ・感想・情報


富士山健康開運温泉 猫と犬の宿ペンションブルーポピーのクチコミ・お客さまの声

  • 4.40
  • アンケート件数:480件
  • サービス4.60
  • 立地4.20
  • 部屋4.20
  • 設備・アメニティ4.40
  • 風呂4.20
  • 食事4.80


nataliewy26さんの 富士山健康開運温泉 猫と犬の宿ペンションブルーポピー のクチコミ

nataliewy26さん [20代/女性] 2009-11-14 18:30:01

This is a pension that animal lovers should not miss! I book this pension because of the lovely cats the owner have. Location is a bit far. However, among the pensions located nearby, this pension is the only pension that is full house. Host couples are very nice and I feel like they are my papa and mama. They can speak simple English and I have a very happy experience in this pension.
Cats in this pension are very nice and heard from mama that they are abandoned/street cats that the host adopted them. All cats are easy going and love to play with humans. During our meal time, they won't disturb you but walk around to catch your attention. I just love them!
The outside hotspring is located behind the pension and inside a 'forest'. I enjoyed a special hot spring experience at night because places around were all dark because of the very tall trees around. Anyway, I will certainly recommend this pension to anyone who like cats and want a warm and feeling like at home experience.




  • 総合5
  • サービス5
  • 立地3
  • 部屋5
  • 設備・アメニティ5
  • 風呂5
  • 食事5
富士山健康開運温泉 猫と犬の宿ペンションブルーポピー 2009-11-27 11:21:36

Thank you for your great comment. It is wonderful to hear!
We are so glad you had excellent time with us. Also we were happy to have you as well, who loves cats a lot. They are wonderful and lovable animals in the world!!
We are not fluent English speaker though, great to see guests from over sea!! You are ! always welcome back to be here.

Thanks again with your comment, and hopefully see you sometime sooner.

All your best and take care,

I am sorry too late return your comment.

Yours sincerly.

From Blue poppy

Rie Yamamoto
